Our current capital markets are structured around a dangerous lie& that the sole function of the corporation is to return value to shareholders. 我们当前的资本市场构建在一个危险的谎言之上,即企业的唯一使命是给股东价值回报。
An organization that operates a business as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or other entity. 通过独资、合伙、合资或其它形式经营的组织。游客,如果你要查看本帖隐藏内容请回复。
Buhler Equipment Engineering ( Wuxi) Co., Ltd. is a newly established sole corporation invested by Buhler AG. 布勒设备工程(无锡)有限公司是瑞士布勒集团在中国新成立的独资公司。
They take the form of: the sole proprietorship, the partnership and the corporation. 它们(这里大概指“公司”,引者按)的形式有单一业主、合营和股份有限公司。
In a sole corporation, the investor or the legal representative of the investor; and in a partnership organization, the copartner executing operations. 在独资组织系指出资人或其法定代理人;在合伙组织系指执行业务之合伙人;
The three most common forms of business ownership are sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. 最常见的商业所有权形式是独资企业、合伙企业和公司。
A business can be organized in one of the three major forms-sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation. 企业的组织形式主要有三种:独资、伙、份公司。
State-owned hospitals in our country are operated by state for long time, which results that state-owned hospitals could not be independent in management and assume sole responsibility for their profits or losses, and could not participate market competitions as an independent corporation and competitive subject. 长期以来,我国的国有医院实行的是国家所有、国家经营,这种办医方式使国有医院无法实行自主经营、自负盈亏,不能作为独立的法人实体和竞争主体参与市场竞争。
Owing to the existing of the multi-grade of corporation in the governing structure in the group of enterprise, the group's financial relations is different from the sole corporation in character. 由于企业集团治理结构的多级法人制的存在,企业集团的财务关系呈现与单一法人制企业不同的特点。
The government-owned sole corporation, as a company of limited liability confirmed by our current company act, is facing many theoretical puzzles and practical problems during its operation. 国有独资公司作为我国现行公司法确认的一种有限责任公司组织形式,在运行过程中面临诸多理论困惑和实践难题。
Our country has some legislation practice of one-person company such as rational corporation sole, foreign businessman corporation sole but it is kind of inattentive. 我国也有国有独资公司、外商独资公司等一人公司的立法实践,但较为粗疏。
Facing more and more violent competitive market, the sole lasting competitive advantage of the corporation is learning quicker than competitor, doing the best, fulling of energy, braring in innovation. 在市场竞争日趋激烈的新形势下,企业唯一持久的竞争优势就是比竞争对手学习得更快,做得更好,充满活力,勇于创新。
Generally, there is no sole right corporation strategy. 本来,在实践中根本就不存在唯一正确的企业战略。
Today, trade credit management seems as the sole of the corporation in west countries, corporations without integrate and efficient trade credit management lack protect to credit risk, are short of competence, then will be washed out of the market. 在现代发达国家中信用管理被认为是企业的生命,没有完善、有效的信用管理,企业将失去防范信用风险的能力,缺少足够的市场竞争力,最终被市场淘汰。
The typical enterprise system develops from that of traditional sole proprietorship and partnership to modern corporation. 典型的企业制度,经历了从传统的自然人业主制企业,合伙制企业到现代企业制度的演变。